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Working Together

If you're reading this, it's no coincidence that you're here!

Have you lost yourself in everybody else’s stuff? Have you forgotten what brings you passion and joy? Have you forgotten how to make yourself happy? Are you going through a life transition or just feeling stuck? It's no coincidence that you found me. You are ready to transform and heal.


With my no-nonsense approach, we'll work together to get
clear on what’s going on in your life as we explore your inner world and acknowledge those beliefs that are driving you. Only when we uncover them can we re-evaluate and shift those beliefs in order to create a more positive prosperous life.  I will support you energetically so that the negative beliefs that are blocking you from a good life are untangled, released, fall into place, and un-gnarled, so the body is free to heal. And I'll hold you accountable to help keep you committed to the journey you are about to embark on.


I see your wholeness, not your brokenness

I see you at your highest potential.  Using a holistic approach, we will begin with a comprehensive evaluation to review all areas of your life - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We'll explore your relationships and identify those that are fulfilling and those that are not.


Our work together will help you identify your negative beliefs that stand in your way of ultimate self care and empowerment.  You will realize your triggers and, instead of trying to change the outside world, you will learn that it is an inside job! You are in charge of your life-no one else is in control.  No-one can do anything to you and you have the control.  You are not a victim. You will understand that if you are being triggered that it is about some negative belief, or shame that you carry from the past.  As you uncover these beliefs and understand where they come from you can surrender and clear.  When you surrender your world dramatically changes around you almost miraculously. 


You will get clear on your goals and we'll collaborate and design your own personal plan to meet your individual needs using my extensive toolbox full of cutting-edge modalities learned over the course of twenty years of training and practice. 


I will loan you my power until you are fully able to step into your own.

Here are the contents of my personal toolbox. 

We will pick and choose the appropriate modalities that will serve you best.


As a Licensed Clinical Social Work, I take a cognitive behavioral approach combined with a Jungian outlook.  In our time together you will uncover and become aware of cognitive distortions and their corresponding behaviors so that you can release them. 


Energy Work

I incorporate my training in a number of modalities into my work with clients both virtually and in person.  These include Reiki, Cranial Sacral Therapy and PURE Healing.


Groups & Retreats

 I have been honored to have witnessed hundreds of women go inside and look at themselves, step into their power, and change through group work. In changing their thoughts about themselves they have transformed their lives. 

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